Faith & Mission
In The Alliance, we are Jesus people. We say, “All of Jesus,” because we’re after His Lordship, a complete transformation in our lives through His Spirit. Scripture tells us that “the same power that raised Jesus from the grave is at work within us.” If we believe that, then our lives change. We don’t get as distracted by the latest fad or the newest way to do things because our focus is on Jesus and His supremacy—in everything. We say, “All of Jesus,” because we also believe that it’s possible to believe things about Jesus but not surrender our lives to Him. It is only in that full surrender that we resonate with His heartbeat, offering the hope only He can provide to the world’s marginalized and overlooked.
You see, “All of Jesus” is not just for us; we’re redeemed for other people. That’s why the Alliance family has a 140-some year history of leaning in, together, on Jesus’ big assignment—fulfill His Great Commission. We’re about taking “All of Jesus” to “All the World”—that’s why we take His loving message to our neighbors and the nations and to the nations that have come to our neighborhoods.
Making disciples by gathering, equipping & expanding
Making Disciples of Christ in Our Community